Friday, August 31, 2007

'Too few cells' under prison plan (BBC)

Another article about how the prison system is overcrowded, how serious offenders have been realised early and how the government are doing nothing about it.

The Ministry of Justice (which sounds like a ministry from some combination world of Harry Potter and Batman) latest figures suggest that even under the most optimistic scenario they will still be struggling for spaces.

In the worst case scenario an estimated 20,000 place will be needed by 2012. Seriously is it not time to start building more prisons. Feel free to work on rehabilitation and training etc but as a short term measure we need a few more prisons.

I should point out that some prison wings are going to be re-opened, Dartmoor prison has applied to re-open a closed wing.

Although releasing prisoners early seems like a good idea, it should only be a short term measure as the Judge gave them a sentence which they should serve. Such wanton disregard for the criminal justice system can only make the situation worse, habitual criminals will see the system as a soft touch.

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