Monday, August 27, 2007

The Daily Mail experiment (Guardian)

If you have read my opinions on some sections of the UK media, you know that I think some newspapers are rather jaded and give a completely un-balanced view of the world.

You no longer have to take my world for it, Nick Angel for the Guardian spent one month reading only the Daily Mail for his news.

I think the introductory text says it all:

"A month spent reading the nation's leading mid-market newspaper took me into a terrifying, depressing world, filled with suspicion."
-Nick Angel, The Guardian. August 20th 2007.
The good thing about modern society is that no one gets their news from just one source, so there is a bit of balance in the system. However humans have an uncanny trait of only accepting information which matches their own beliefs / standards. So Daily mail readers only get their news from daily mail like sources.

In other words there really are people out in the world that share the view of the Daily Mail. Sometimes I wonder whether there is any point in anything other than local news. How relevant is crime in a different area to you. A constant diet of crime news leads people to perceive that crime is actually worse than it is. After all not every teenager is a hoodie wearing, knife wielding psychopath.

People say the truth is out there, but first you have to work out what the truth is. Can actual news be separated from opinion and bias.

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