Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

I Laying plans Summary

Notes by Zephyrist:

From Section 1 laying plans, we have learnt that the plan is everything. A good plan will go a long way along the road to victory, no planning will lead to failure.

“Failures don't plan to fail; they fail to plan”
-Harvey Mackay, US Columnist and businessman
Sun Tzu has talked us through the analysis of comparing rulers, generals and armies deciding who has the strength in one factor above the other.

All battles are built upon deception, you must convince the enemy you are weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. Look for the points of weakness and exploit them in the enemy. For your points of weakness hide them and look weak where you are strong.

Plans should be divulged to as few people as possible, although false plans may be leaked to confuse the enemy.

Although Sun Tzu is talking about battles the reason he has been so popular through the ages is that his ideas can be applied to every day life. Even family holidays need planning with military precision.

Next week Section 2: Waging War

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