Monday, June 18, 2007

IT Help Desk Sketch

Due to a suicide pact between my graphics card and the rest of my pc I have been off the grid for the weekend. One rebuild later, normal service is resumed, that graphics card was always the rebel under achiever of the domain, I shouldn't be surprised that it choose to go in a blaze of glory.

Anyway for your amusement, usual disclaimer applies, here is an alleged comedy sketches:

Bill Gates and the x-box

[IT Support log #0022369]

IT Support service agent: IT Support, where would you like to go today?

Bill: Yes, I have an X-box.

Agent: Yes sir, we only deal with PC's would you like me to put you through to games console support.

Bill: No, it is a PC.

Agent: With respect sir the x-box is never a PC.

Bill: Look I have an ex-box, with a dead power supply, it is deceased, dead, kaput in need of a PSU transplant, gone to PC heaven to live with MS-dos.

Agent: Ahhh... I see... Can I ask what you were doing at the time sir?

Bill: I was writing a letter in Word and that dratted paper clip came up and asked if I wanted help.

Agent: Say no more sir. I will send a new PC straight up sir.

[End log #0022369]

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