Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A tribute to the blog 'indexd'

You may have noticed that at the bottom of the left column I have a small list of 'blogs of note'.

One of them is 'indexd' by Jessica Hagy which is a selection of index cards. In her own words she describes her blog as:

"This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others. I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math."
It is a truly unique blog and I can truly recommend it.

Anyway my mind works the same way occasionally and I can see mathematical relationships in my head, mainly the curve graph types.

Although I consider myself to be a good interviewer I consider myself to be a bad interviewee, my biggest weakness is the throwaway comment. A throwaway comment is a generalisation or casual comment which you might use with work colleagues. I have been know to drop some real clangers in my time. Examples I have used to my regret, are "you know what manager's are like?" and "typical management come up with ideas and then have no idea how to implement them". There are of course others but I have blocked them out of my mind.

Before anyone says anything, yes, I know they are true but for some reason at interviews people don't want to know about reality they want you to 'fake it till you make it'. I am quite cynical about some interviews but have not found a better way yet.

So anyway the tribute bit is knocking up an index card which mathematically demonstrated the principle of throwaway comments in relation to interview success.

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