Wednesday, October 03, 2007

November General Election.

I am still thinking Gordon is on for a May election but my position has moved more towards a November date. Its still an outside chance but it is a possibility.

The Conservatives should be at the top of their game as with the conference they control the media cycle. Yet the media especially the red top ones are very anti Tory still. They were all busy wondering whether the Tory tax cuts make sense.

Gordon Brown despite ignoring parliament in making major policy announcements can do no wrong. No party seems to be be playing the Tony's crony card so labour are in a very strong position.

My position now would be if November was May there would be a general election.

Apparently according to the media the key day is next Wednesday, some important announcements go to parliament on Monday / Tuesday and certain media pundits are expecting Gordon to ride the wave of celebration into a general election campaign.

I am still not convinced but I am ready to eat my words.

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