Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Office Move

The reason that there has not been much activity on this blog this week is because finally the long talked about office move actually happened. So this week due to a change in routine and all that activity I have been too tired in the evenings to do anything other than check emails and veg in front of the tv.

You work at a company long enough and at some point you will be told to move office. Most of the time it doesn't seem like there is any rhyme or reason to the move it is just a game of musical offices. Everyone packs up and when the music stops you unpack again. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of moves are down to office politics, who is closer to the centre of power.

For HR office moves always involve vast rooms of personnel files which require specialist storage space and so are sometimes more of a priority than people. Especially as until all the files are correctly stored and alphabetised you cant find anything. People on the other hand can work from a computer and a phone surrounded by boxes.

Such a big change is often disconcerting as well, the loss of familiar surroundings makes people nervous and edgy, we need routine so we can concentrate on the unusual. I have found it difficult to concentrate surrounded by stack of paper and half empty boxes. It didn't help that we could not store all the boxes into our new office, we had to unpack a few and then fetch some more. I have a feeling that we will be re-arranging stuff for weeks.

Change is just something that happens, and is a natural part of life but it does take a lot of energy so some things like this blog have to take a back seat for a while.

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