Sunday, April 22, 2007

New web / blog words

I read a few blogs, forums and the 'have your say' feature on the BBC and it seems apparent that the English language could do with being enriched with a few extra words.

I was searching for a word that describes the 'rent a mob' attitude that prevails in most of the forums. The armchair politicians view that is easy to give an opinion on a subject that people often know little about or they cannot understand the implications / decision making process.

That is not to say I have contempt for these people but I would like to see a bit more thought before people give an opinion and perhaps more openness to debate rather than flame wars.

Anyway I did not find the word I wanted but offer two other new words for consideration:

Webararazzi - bloggers and other commentators on the web who sensationalise news items.

Commekazi's - People who comment on blogs or forums who give an extreme opinion and then get burnt in the flames.

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