Monday, February 19, 2007

Kudos David Miliband, Cristina Narbona and Janez Podobnik

Just one day after I write that the UK government needs to do more to meet renewables targets, three environment ministers, including the UK, state that Europe needs to do more and aim for a 30% cut in emissions, rather than the 20% current target, by 2020.

"A bold energy and climate strategy should be underpinned by an ambitious target on greenhouse gases, and supported by challenging goals for increasing the development and deployment of renewables and other forms of low-carbon generation and energy efficiency."

"The window of opportunity is closing rapidly and a strong EU voice is necessary to provide the catalyst for UN discussions on taking effective action to cut emissions."

David Miliband - Environment Secretary, UK
Cristina Narbona - Environment Minister, Spain
Janez Podobnik - Environment Minister, Slovenia

Well done to all three of you for taking a stand and outlining where Europe should be heading.

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